The Andromeda eSIM is easy to install using QR code on computer scaning by the phone.
Used it for a year, the speed is good but large latency (>500ms round trip) as it uses HK IP round trip about 20000km!
Use it for "Shell GO" gasoline fill up App, it cannot recognize the gas station location! After switched to Tucana (same provider KeepGo on different reseller with IP from Porland) it worked flawless to locate the gas station.
Use it for google map netvigation, sometime it say no GPS signal, not sure if that is related to the data eSIM or not but I did not encounter that using Tucana eSIM.
After one year user experience, I decide to dump the Andromeda eSIM and switch to Tucana Global eSIM with more countries coverage and lower per GB price and more carriers roam to per country.